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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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Probably a coincidence though

Racists in the south in 1911 would have been of course very common. That symbol simply did not mean then what it means now. Here is the wikipedia entry for the historical use for that symbol prior to Nazism. None of the uses listed have a negative connotation...
[Post edited by JoesterVT at 04/28/2022 2:24PM]

(In response to this post by Hokie 4 MG)

Posted: 04/28/2022 at 2:22PM


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Current Thread:
Caption the Pic -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:32PM
  Size of those lots indicates trailer park. ** -- DonHo-kieHi 04/28/2022 10:53PM
  ...wild how far pre-nazi-S-heads that really does go... ** -- bourbonstreet 04/28/2022 9:26PM
  Everywhere still the 70s -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 4:07PM
  But was that literally due to racial deed covenants -- Tafkam Hokie 04/28/2022 4:20PM
  Yeah you are probably correct -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 4:47PM
  It was also a divisional patch in the us army -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 2:28PM
  Oh my dad had all kinds of -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 3:54PM
  See response below... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:18PM
  I saw the 1911 at the bottom, not the 1992 up top ** -- HokieDan95 04/28/2022 2:24PM
  Was that the backward Indian symbol? ** -- AZHokie59 04/28/2022 2:17PM
  My dentist is from there -- No Clue 04/28/2022 1:43PM
  ^^^has a Clue, after all^^^ ** -- PhotoHokieNC 04/28/2022 4:05PM
  LOL ** -- Brown Water 04/28/2022 1:53PM
  I've found a reference to -- `lag 04/28/2022 3:00PM
  You should see some of the fine print..... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:56PM
  Nah.... not the case here -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:57PM
  What Im saying is... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:17PM
  Probably a coincidence though -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 2:22PM
  I don't believe in coincidence's -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:30PM long as you understand that... -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 2:33PM

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