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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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That symbol has been around forever...and in 1911 there was no association

with Nazis...mainly because Nazis wasn't a thing then....

(In response to this post by Hokie 4 MG)

Posted: 04/28/2022 at 2:06PM


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Current Thread:
Caption the Pic -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:32PM
  Size of those lots indicates trailer park. ** -- DonHo-kieHi 04/28/2022 10:53PM
  ...wild how far pre-nazi-S-heads that really does go... ** -- bourbonstreet 04/28/2022 9:26PM
  Everywhere still the 70s -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 4:07PM
  But was that literally due to racial deed covenants -- Tafkam Hokie 04/28/2022 4:20PM
  Yeah you are probably correct -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 4:47PM
  It was also a divisional patch in the us army -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 2:28PM
  Oh my dad had all kinds of -- Vippie1 04/28/2022 3:54PM
  See response below... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:18PM
  I saw the 1911 at the bottom, not the 1992 up top ** -- HokieDan95 04/28/2022 2:24PM
  Was that the backward Indian symbol? ** -- AZHokie59 04/28/2022 2:17PM
  My dentist is from there -- No Clue 04/28/2022 1:43PM
  ^^^has a Clue, after all^^^ ** -- PhotoHokieNC 04/28/2022 4:05PM
  LOL ** -- Brown Water 04/28/2022 1:53PM
  I've found a reference to -- `lag 04/28/2022 3:00PM
  You should see some of the fine print..... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:56PM
  Nah.... not the case here -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 1:57PM
  What Im saying is... -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:17PM
  Probably a coincidence though -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 2:22PM
  I don't believe in coincidence's -- Hokie 4 MG 04/28/2022 2:30PM long as you understand that... -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 2:33PM

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