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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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Anything good to see at the half-way point of the drives?

And I assume you are good with driving.

(In response to this post by bigbadbird)

Posted: 05/05/2022 at 11:45AM


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Current Thread:
$1000 flight or 1000 mile drive? -- bigbadbird 05/05/2022 10:35AM
  If you drive -- VTUD 05/05/2022 6:17PM
  1000 miles roundtrip... -- The Gobbler 05/05/2022 12:25PM
  It depends on what you want -- EDGEMAN 05/05/2022 11:48AM
  Anything good to see at the half-way point of the drives? -- HokieSignGuy 05/05/2022 11:45AM
  Fly then Uber. ** -- PhotoHokieNC 05/05/2022 11:29AM
  You will have no issues with Uber -- Burruss Writer 05/05/2022 1:51PM
  I can't imagine you'll have any problems at all. ** -- reestuart 05/05/2022 1:30PM
  Especially from airport, then at hotel ** -- dans93 05/05/2022 1:58PM
  I would drive but only if I was taking my own car. ** -- OrlandoHokie 05/05/2022 11:10AM
  Yes- would take own car -- bigbadbird 05/05/2022 11:18AM
  Drive then Uber. ** -- PhotoHokieNC 05/05/2022 11:39AM
  Uber, but have the driver use YOUR car. ** -- HokieSignGuy 05/05/2022 12:33PM
  Depends on the travel purpose and location. -- GSOHokie01 05/05/2022 11:08AM
  Always fly ** -- HokieHigh 05/05/2022 11:07AM
  You’re screwed either way, but I would take the flight. ** -- RoswellGAHokie 05/05/2022 10:56AM
  Good luck finding a rental car ** -- HokieJamie 05/05/2022 10:37AM

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