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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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Seriously...set aside more time than you think you'll need. It's a 2-dayer

And remember, admission to the museum is free, but the parking is also free. They do have some paid "rides"...flight simulaters that move, etc....but you can enjoy the hell outta that place for a long time without spending a nickel. Save the nickels for one of the soopoib local breweries...

(In response to this post by HokieMacDaddy)

Posted: 04/29/2022 at 1:34PM


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  Once about 30 years ago. It was incredible -- typed by ben 04/29/2022 8:53PM
  I'll second this ** -- SteveInBaltimore 04/29/2022 2:17PM
  I agree ** -- AirborneHokie96 04/29/2022 12:44PM
  Wow, they have an XB-70? The only one? ** -- HokieJay 04/29/2022 12:05PM
  Yep. Gorgeous ** -- ColoVT82 04/29/2022 5:23PM

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