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Joined: 01/05/2001 Posts: 5206
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Anyone been to the Airforce Museum in Dayton, Ohio? July 4th weekend the...

Braves play at the Reds and the museum is only an hour from Cincinnati. I have seen photos of it and it looks really cool.

Posted: 04/29/2022 at 11:41AM


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Current Thread:
  Once about 30 years ago. It was incredible -- typed by ben 04/29/2022 8:53PM
  I'll second this ** -- SteveInBaltimore 04/29/2022 2:17PM
  I agree ** -- AirborneHokie96 04/29/2022 12:44PM
  Wow, they have an XB-70? The only one? ** -- HokieJay 04/29/2022 12:05PM
  Yep. Gorgeous ** -- ColoVT82 04/29/2022 5:23PM

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