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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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I for inline 4 for 4 cyls

(In response to this post by bigbadbird)

Posted: 04/28/2022 at 11:07AM


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Current Thread:
Ford 2.3 L I4- can someone explain what this is to me -- bigbadbird 04/28/2022 11:06AM
  I for inline 4 for 4 cyls ** -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 11:07AM
  Ok- so a 4cyl 4wd? for what ? ** -- bigbadbird 04/28/2022 11:12AM
  4WD has nothing to do with the engine designation. -- EDGEMAN 04/28/2022 11:21AM
  Well... -- EDGEMAN 04/28/2022 11:41AM
  Quattro, baby ** -- Brown Water 04/28/2022 11:44AM
  Don't be silly ** -- HokieDan95 04/28/2022 11:42AM
  I don't think I understand your question? -- JoesterVT 04/28/2022 11:16AM

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