{the} "huh?" {/3o4} -- bourbonstreet 04/25/2022 3:31PM
On this date in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope is placed in orbit. -- PhotoHokieNC 04/25/2022 05:06AM
I posted that first one on the inside of our men's room at work circa ~1993 -- Riverguy 04/25/2022 09:04AM
Poppie’s a little sloppy ** -- HwoodHokie 04/25/2022 2:50PM
That first Far Side is classic! ** -- VaTaz 04/25/2022 07:40AM
Our COSTAR fixed Hubble -- WestyHokie 04/25/2022 06:08AM
I once got a personal presentation from Story Musgrave about the mission -- HokieSignGuy 04/25/2022 11:17AM
And thank goodness it worked ! ** -- ColoVT82 04/25/2022 06:29AM
No kidding, for a lot of reasons… Webb will be amazing -- WestyHokie 04/25/2022 06:43AM
Good thing the VisionWorks guys didn’t get the contract to fix the HST! ** -- PhotoHokieNC 04/25/2022 07:47AM
But their bid included free sunglasses! ** -- tongahokie 04/25/2022 09:17AM