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Joined: 05/02/2001 Posts: 11158
Likes: 8393

You realize that for those under the age of 35, the cost of a home is like

500% higher than what you paid, right?

(In response to this post by capitals1)

Posted: 04/15/2022 at 10:25AM


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Current Thread:
Mortgage rates 5 percent..the world is ending -- capitals1 04/15/2022 08:49AM
  In the 80's we refinanced to get DOWN to 18% ** -- Galenahokie 04/16/2022 08:37AM
  I bought my -- VTUD 04/15/2022 7:41PM
  We need interest rates on savings to keep pace ** -- WestyHokie 04/15/2022 1:01PM
  And raises ** -- B777Fr8Dog 04/15/2022 5:11PM
  It's going to get worse before it gets better. -- HokieJay 04/15/2022 12:08PM
  I'm not but I should extend empathy here... -- HokieJay 04/15/2022 1:09PM
  In that case rent for now. -- HokieJay 04/15/2022 2:48PM
  So what? Income is 500% higher too. Stop whining. ** -- HokieJay 04/15/2022 12:36PM
  Lol, that's not even remotely true ** -- hoosnowahokie 04/15/2022 1:39PM
  Is it? You must be a CEO. ** -- HokieHigh 04/15/2022 12:47PM
  Yeah, unreal how low they've been for a decade -- Vienna_Hokie 04/15/2022 09:52AM
  Not ending, but unless you are going into Computer Science -- hoosnowahokie 04/15/2022 09:25AM
  Not saying that's not true -- RTFC 04/15/2022 09:49AM
  Yep you need a FAANG job ** -- HokieForever 04/15/2022 09:27AM
  Home Ownership is overrated ** -- darnellm 04/15/2022 09:07AM

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