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Casablanca, The Pride of the Yankees, Lost Raiders ...

(In response to this post by King Jaffe Joffer)

Posted: 05/04/2017 at 08:50AM


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Current Thread:
A Few Good Men and Shawshank Redemption -- King Jaffe Joffer 05/03/2017 11:06PM
  Patton & Hunt For Red October ** -- thankbud 05/04/2017 5:29PM
  Saving Private Ryan ** -- MAHokie69 05/04/2017 3:54PM
  Tora Tora Tora ** -- AZHokie59 05/04/2017 1:51PM
  I'm vain, but not that vain. ** -- King Jaffe Joffer 05/04/2017 1:51PM
  Lots of Goodfellas, but no Casino? ** -- Hokie in CT 05/04/2017 11:43AM
  The Green Mile ** -- HokieByWater 05/04/2017 11:25AM
  Patton and Tombstone ** -- Hokie Knight 05/04/2017 11:24AM
  O Brother Where Art Thou and Cast Away ** -- 1400E 05/04/2017 10:57AM
  Dazed and Confused ** -- BG Hokie 05/04/2017 10:25AM
  I forgot Unfaithful -- Brown Water 05/04/2017 10:25AM
  Damn straight ** -- typed by ben 05/04/2017 10:31AM
  Sherlock Holmes movies with RD, Jr as Sherlock. ** -- Guy LeDouche 05/04/2017 09:51AM
  First 15 minutes of Full Metal Jacket - Ermey rant ** -- Mighty Fine Catch 05/04/2017 09:40AM
  Battleship -- bluehokie 05/04/2017 09:29AM
  Let's drop some lead on this mother f...IRE! ** -- Tafkam Hokie 05/04/2017 4:56PM
  Under siege; phalanx + voo doo chile ** -- HokieDan95 05/04/2017 09:47AM
  Goodfellas, Hoosiers, Holy Grail, Dead Zone, ** -- HokieNLot11 05/04/2017 09:22AM
  Tombstone, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan ** -- HokieJamie 05/04/2017 09:22AM
  Outlaw Josey Wales, Road House, Blow, Office Space ** -- AtlantaHokie 05/04/2017 09:13AM
  Pretty Woman... -- Hokie CPA 05/04/2017 08:54AM
  Any WW2 movie or anything with John Wayne in it. ** -- hokieman842 05/04/2017 08:40AM
  Office Space, U-Turn and The Killing Fields ** -- RaleighHokie15 05/04/2017 08:38AM
  I love Office Space, Idiocracy and Blazing Saddles ** -- WestEndHokie39 05/04/2017 08:53AM
  Independence Day, Josey Wales, My Cousin Vinny** -- WestEndHokie39 05/04/2017 08:30AM
  This explains a lot. -- CPRVHokie 05/04/2017 08:35AM
  Ha! I don't know why I love Independence Day- it's campy -- WestEndHokie39 05/04/2017 08:52AM
  I was more concerned with My Cousin Vinny ** -- CPRVHokie 05/04/2017 09:25AM
  Wizard of Oz and Die Hard ** -- Brown Water 05/04/2017 08:24AM
  Welcome to the party, Dorthy! ** -- Guy LeDouche 05/04/2017 09:45AM
  Lonesome Dove ** -- radhokie1 05/04/2017 08:23AM
  GoodFellas ** -- HokieDan95 05/04/2017 08:13AM
  Coal Miner's Daughter ** -- bigbadbird 05/04/2017 08:08AM
  Remember the Titans ** -- indiahokie 05/04/2017 08:05AM
  Me, also, until I learned the coach was really a d'bag -- TomTurkey 05/04/2017 08:59AM
  Point Break ** -- Twelfth Man 05/04/2017 08:00AM
  Dumb and Dumber ** -- 48zip 05/04/2017 07:29AM
  I'd add U571 to go along with Red October. ** -- HokieEngineer 05/04/2017 12:48PM
  Schindler' List. Band of Brothers (is it a movie or tv?). ** -- Femoyer Hokie 05/04/2017 07:02AM
  Raincoats: -- PhotoHokieNC 05/04/2017 07:16AM
  Joe Dirt ** -- Stork 05/04/2017 03:43AM
  Both of those, plus My Cousin Vinny -- TECH87 05/04/2017 12:35AM
  MCV is a fine hospital ** -- TomTurkey 05/04/2017 09:05AM
  MCV is Harry Kane's favorite movie. Link inside. -- Gadfly 05/04/2017 07:54AM
  Shawshank is one of mine too -- Tafkam Hokie 05/04/2017 12:32AM
  Tombstone. And shawshank too ** -- pburg_hokie 05/03/2017 11:10PM

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