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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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I was hopeful. Sigh

(In response to this post by HokieMacDaddy)

Posted: 05/06/2022 at 10:41AM


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Current Thread:
Pinnacles National Park -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:29AM
  Well, it ain't no Dolly Sods. ** -- MikeVT85 05/06/2022 3:26PM
  Probably my favorite shot -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:30AM
  Cool Shot ** -- ATLtech78 05/06/2022 11:17AM
  This is fantastic. Yes, a great shot. ** -- HokieSignGuy 05/06/2022 10:40AM
  Condor next to turkey vulture** -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:31AM
  And one more -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:32AM
  Another try with the condor -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:35AM
  I give up ** -- HokieMacDaddy 05/06/2022 10:35AM
  Can you draw it in MS-Paint? ** -- Brown Water 05/06/2022 11:02AM
  I was hopeful. Sigh ** -- HokieSignGuy 05/06/2022 10:41AM
  404 ** -- Brown Water 05/06/2022 10:32AM

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