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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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Hooters on W Broad st would be different.

(In response to this post by Burruss Writer)

Posted: 05/04/2022 at 10:51AM


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Current Thread:
RVA Resturant Recommendations (besides Red Lobster) -- Burruss Writer 05/04/2022 10:48AM
  Kreggers Tap and Table ** -- mtnrun 05/04/2022 4:38PM
  Maybe if his SO is a metal head. ** -- KeithHokie89 05/04/2022 6:58PM
  Kreggers? Come on ** -- typed by ben 05/04/2022 6:35PM
  Zero’s. -- YardBird 05/04/2022 3:08PM
  Woulda totes been worth it. ** -- Hokie CPA 05/04/2022 3:42PM
  Lemaire at the Jefferson Hotel, or Bookbinders -- Hokester 05/04/2022 1:54PM
  Midlothian Chef's Kitchen -- Guy LeDouche 05/04/2022 1:40PM
  Supper. L’Opossum. ** -- JKHokie-RunFor32 05/04/2022 1:18PM
  Red Lobster TO GO ** -- bigbadbird 05/04/2022 1:14PM
  Taco truck out? ** -- ColoVT82 05/04/2022 1:01PM
  Edo's, Thai Diner, Dot's Back Inn, Joe's Inn, Stella's** -- typed by ben 05/04/2022 12:59PM
  Casa Italiana beside Douglas Freeman HS ** -- Riverguy 05/04/2022 12:28PM
  The Stables or Helen's are good choices ** -- KeithHokie89 05/04/2022 12:10PM
  …richard’s rendezvous ** -- chumley 05/04/2022 11:02AM
  Sometimes the tuna smells a little fishy. ** -- vthhhi 05/04/2022 11:25AM
  Eat at the Y? ** -- B777Fr8Dog 05/04/2022 11:08AM
  Dessert... ** -- Burruss Writer 05/04/2022 2:22PM
  Stellas and Dinamo also keep us happy! ** -- UTPr0sim 05/04/2022 11:02AM
  Burning to the ground'll get after ya. ** -- MP4VT2004 05/04/2022 12:24PM
  That's where we usually go and I've always enjoyed it ** -- Burruss Writer 05/04/2022 10:58AM
  Food truck ** -- bigbadbird 05/04/2022 10:54AM
  Hooters on W Broad st would be different. ** -- HokieSignGuy 05/04/2022 10:51AM
  Red Lobster Deluxe ** -- FfxStationHokie 05/04/2022 10:51AM

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