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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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5:53 am on 5/3/22

(In response to this post by great2bahokie)

Posted: 05/03/2022 at 1:40PM


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Current Thread:
When was the last time you made a sammich with white bread? -- great2bahokie 05/03/2022 12:06PM
  About 4 hours ago. Grilled cheese ** -- Galenahokie 05/03/2022 5:42PM
  Interesting point... -- VTUD 05/03/2022 4:49PM
  Ditto. ** -- PhotoHokieNC 05/03/2022 3:55PM
  Did you watch Sailor Bob? ** -- scoop76cs 05/03/2022 6:29PM
  Doesn't sound familiar, so no. ** -- AZHokie59 05/04/2022 11:50AM
  I've never seen it... ** -- great2bahokie 05/03/2022 3:20PM
  5:53 am on 5/3/22 ** -- JoesterVT 05/03/2022 1:40PM
  Very seldom, but if so, I eat Schmidt 647. -- Tank 05/03/2022 1:28PM
  I miss my Wonder Bread ** -- Brown Water 05/03/2022 12:43PM
  Yeah, you do! ** -- great2bahokie 05/03/2022 12:48PM
  Dave's Killer Bread makes a good white bread. ** -- mancunian 05/03/2022 12:24PM
  BLT last weekend. ** -- HokieNLot11 05/03/2022 12:13PM
  Wrong! -- EDGEMAN 05/03/2022 1:59PM
  Thanks for the endorsement ** -- HokieDan95 05/03/2022 12:11PM
  Currently, though its GF bread ** -- OXVT 05/03/2022 12:11PM
  That's the Aldi brand, right? ** -- Late 80s Hokie 05/03/2022 1:53PM
  Your girlfriend likes white bread? ** -- great2bahokie 05/03/2022 12:13PM
  Wife celiac ** -- OXVT 05/03/2022 12:21PM
  Me too, its loads of fun. ** -- HokieNoVA 05/03/2022 2:44PM
  Me three. Lots of celiac-ers in my family. ** -- MP4VT2004 05/03/2022 2:49PM
  Toast ** -- bigbadbird 05/03/2022 12:09PM
  Anyways... -- great2bahokie 05/03/2022 12:12PM

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