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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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Stung by a bee

Just kidding, turrble plastic surgery.

(In response to this post by UTPr0sim)

Posted: 04/29/2022 at 6:04PM


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Current Thread:
Scanning the news...Someone can rock the underboob so hard -- Coach McGuirk 04/29/2022 5:24PM
  ?What happened to her freakin' mouth?!?!? -- Riverguy 05/01/2022 9:48PM
  Ouch...she has not aged gracefully ** -- Naelbis 04/30/2022 1:27PM
  She broke my crazy look meter. ** -- Guy LeDouche 04/30/2022 08:17AM
  It's become more of a fashion trend in Bburg as well. ** -- Chris Coleman  04/29/2022 6:13PM
  Dem some BIG lips.... ** -- UTPr0sim 04/29/2022 5:55PM
  Stung by a bee -- JoesterVT 04/29/2022 6:04PM
  She’s pretty but her nails are gross. ** -- Hoakie82 04/29/2022 5:43PM
  Nails are fine when compared to those lips. -- Atlee Hokie 04/30/2022 07:56AM
  Rocking inflated lips to counterbalance. ** -- scoop76cs 04/29/2022 5:39PM
  Puppies need to come out and play ** -- FfxStationHokie 04/29/2022 5:27PM

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