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Joined: 01/05/2001 Posts: 124899
Likes: 40451

Drinks on you for the next year. :)

(In response to this post by Burke Hokie)

Posted: 04/29/2022 at 11:33AM


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Current Thread:
  I retired -- VTUD 04/29/2022 4:29PM
  Congrats and enjoy! ** -- vt90 04/29/2022 1:27PM
  Welcome to Lizardmania run amok ! ** -- astrohokie 04/29/2022 1:13PM
  Congrats. Its ok to have shyte-eatin grin ** -- ColoVT82 04/29/2022 11:58AM
  Drinks on you for the next year. :) ** -- EDGEMAN 04/29/2022 11:33AM
  Outstanding! Enjoy! ** -- HokieJay 04/29/2022 11:27AM
  ^^^ Lush ^^^ ** -- Brown Water 04/29/2022 11:18AM
  Absolutely! ** -- DonHo-kieHi 04/29/2022 4:04PM
  I blame Burke Hokie ** -- Brown Water 04/29/2022 10:50AM
  "Special Delivery" ** -- Burruss Writer 04/29/2022 11:09AM
  Grrrrr -- `lag 04/29/2022 4:43PM
  Tryagain -- `lag 04/29/2022 5:39PM
  Test ** -- `lag 04/29/2022 11:44AM
  Test ** -- `lag 04/29/2022 4:35PM
  Testtest -- `lag 04/29/2022 4:27PM
  Thanks 'lag ** -- Burke Hokie 04/29/2022 10:44AM

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