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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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Man...a dislexic person could really take his post the wrong way

(In response to this post by EDGEMAN)

Posted: 04/28/2022 at 7:18PM


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Current Thread:
  Not enough car-jackings? ** -- EDGEMAN 04/29/2022 08:14AM
  Your first JB at VB! ** -- GreenvilleVT 04/28/2022 8:15PM
  Fins to the LEFT!! ** -- MAHokie69 04/28/2022 8:04PM
  Fins to the RIGHT!!** -- Hokie CPA 04/28/2022 8:10PM
  It's a feeding frenzy on a Thursday night!! ** -- MAHokie69 04/28/2022 8:16PM
  How'd it taste? 😳 ** -- B777Fr8Dog 04/28/2022 7:54PM
  Snap! Oh, I asked for that - and it hurt! ** -- HokieJay 04/28/2022 7:55PM
  SH....N nevermind. :) ** -- Vtskier1 04/28/2022 8:14PM
  Understood, well played Dad! ** -- HokieJay 04/28/2022 8:03PM
  ^^stoner^^^ ** -- PhotoHokieNC 04/28/2022 8:03PM
  Negative ghostrider, FAA looks down on that 😉 ** -- B777Fr8Dog 04/28/2022 8:05PM
  If not the letter, the spirit.🤭 ** -- PhotoHokieNC 04/28/2022 8:26PM
  Since 1903… -- B777Fr8Dog 04/28/2022 9:12PM
  My missus read it that way at first.... -- Hokie CPA 04/28/2022 7:40PM

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