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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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First. Dad came over in the mid 50s...

(In response to this post by FfxStationHokie)

Posted: 04/27/2022 at 11:01AM


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Current Thread:
What generation be you - when did your peeps come to America? -- FfxStationHokie 04/27/2022 11:00AM
  Early 1900s...Kyev, Ukraine and Manchester, England -- AirborneHokie96 04/28/2022 07:43AM
  1922 ** -- Stork 04/27/2022 9:27PM
  My earliest ancestor -- VTUD 04/27/2022 7:59PM
  3rd born in the US. My great grandparents came -- Merlin Hokie 04/27/2022 6:35PM
  Jamestown ** -- vatechcowpatty 04/27/2022 3:31PM
  Dad's parents thru Ellis Island around 1900 -- DallasHokie98 04/27/2022 3:22PM
  First we know was born in Wales in 1620.... -- Vienna_Hokie 04/27/2022 2:46PM
  …found out one ancestor was in the Donner party -- chumley 04/27/2022 1:55PM
  That bites ** -- FfxStationHokie 04/27/2022 6:42PM
  This explains everything -- EDGEMAN 04/27/2022 1:20PM
  We...are...the wretched refuse ** -- Brown Water 04/27/2022 1:40PM
  Mom had an ancestor on the Mayflower. -- GoobyPls 04/27/2022 1:08PM
  1619 dad's side, 1743 mom's side ** -- aquahokie 04/27/2022 12:56PM
  1630s ** -- HokieJamie 04/27/2022 12:39PM
  Earliest - 1635, Latest - 1860 ** -- Hokerer 04/27/2022 12:30PM
  Turns out, I was in fact born yesterday. -- HokieGator 04/27/2022 12:18PM
  On my dad's side, 1690, on my mom's side, 1624 -- KeithHokie89 04/27/2022 12:04PM
  I try not to! ** -- KeithHokie89 04/27/2022 12:07PM
  1715 and 1880s ** -- MDHokie79 04/27/2022 12:03PM
  1622 Isle of Wight County, VA ** -- Major Kong 04/27/2022 11:57AM
  1635, I think. ** -- Tafkam Hokie 04/27/2022 11:55AM
  ok, now i'm thinking about this: -- squarerootofone 04/27/2022 11:49AM
  Late 17th/early 18th century -- mancunian 04/27/2022 11:43AM
  As far as I can currently tell, 11th generation -- MAHokie69 04/27/2022 11:40AM
  4th/5th generation…early 1900s…all Ellis Island. -- GSOHokie01 04/27/2022 11:35AM
  Have you made the trip up to see Ellis Island? If not... -- great2bahokie 04/27/2022 11:53AM
  Huh, mom left cuba in 61 i think.. -- HokieNoMaterWhat 04/27/2022 12:20PM
  Mi hermano! :) ** -- NokieHokie 04/27/2022 12:24PM
  Lol, si! ** -- HokieNoMaterWhat 04/27/2022 12:27PM
  That's cool! My mom's side has a castle in England. ** -- NokieHokie 04/27/2022 11:51AM
  9 or 10 family came from Germany -- Brewing_Hokie 04/27/2022 11:27AM
  2nd or 3rd - I've seen it both ways :/ ** -- FfxStationHokie 04/27/2022 11:31AM
  You just got accepted into Harvard. No need to apply. ** -- GreenvilleVT 04/27/2022 1:53PM
  That's very common ** -- HokieR 04/27/2022 12:50PM
  Thought I did also, 23&Me said no dice ** -- HortHokie 04/27/2022 11:57AM
  Didn't see your post before I responded -- Hokie Fiji 04/27/2022 11:43AM
  My namesake ancestor came in 1737 -- HokieR 04/27/2022 11:10AM
  *Delete* Wrong spot** -- MAHokie69 04/27/2022 11:39AM
  1607 of course ** -- Cabell Massie IV 04/27/2022 11:02AM
  Missed you at the last FFV luncheon -- Hokie Fiji 04/27/2022 2:51PM
  Obviously. ** -- HokieR 04/27/2022 1:23PM
  First. Dad came over in the mid 50s... ** -- JoesterVT 04/27/2022 11:01AM

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