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Joined: 10/21/2005 Posts: 41974
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No way....they were WAY underseeded

Beat LSU and some other really good P5s. Were ranked all season. Were ranked ahead of us in one poll, I believe....

(In response to this post by hokietony)

Posted: 04/27/2022 at 08:17AM


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Current Thread:
This Week's Extra Inning Bracketology is out -- VTChip 04/26/2022 8:15PM
  Lunardi should always be “out”….. ** -- RJHokie 04/27/2022 10:48AM
  I discussed this down below I believe … -- hokietony 04/26/2022 8:36PM
  Bingo! ** -- Palmetto Hokie 04/27/2022 3:37PM
  Kind of like VT women playing FGCU in 1st round ** -- Jbohokie63 04/27/2022 07:42AM
  Quite a bit different ..... -- hokietony 04/27/2022 08:03AM
  No way....they were WAY underseeded -- JoesterVT 04/27/2022 08:17AM
  Rankings are meaningless … -- hokietony 04/27/2022 08:23AM

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