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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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Saw that officially as well.

(In response to this post by RoswellGAHokie)

Posted: 04/25/2022 at 3:05PM


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The Musk/Twitter post was nuked? Geeze. ** -- HokieSignGuy 04/25/2022 3:02PM
  No matter how you boil it, shrimp is divisive.. ** -- Guy LeDouche 04/25/2022 3:12PM
  The deal is officially done according to the WSJ. ** -- RoswellGAHokie 04/25/2022 3:03PM
  Saw that officially as well. ** -- HokieSignGuy 04/25/2022 3:05PM

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