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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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And I hope all that old stuff, if they get it running, is turned into scrap

too. Russia can disappear from the planet for all I am concerned.

(In response to this post by HokieR)

Posted: 04/25/2022 at 11:01AM


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Current Thread:
Russia has lost so many tanks and artillery pieces -- HokieR 04/25/2022 10:01AM
  I hope... I not sure I 'trust' though... ** -- bourbonstreet 04/25/2022 4:21PM
  Learn that they have a putrid ground army. ** -- BG Hokie 04/25/2022 2:01PM
  Putin sick too it appears ** -- OXVT 04/25/2022 11:38AM can you link anything there please? ** -- bourbonstreet 04/25/2022 3:14PM
  He looks seriously ill ** -- capitals1 04/25/2022 2:31PM
  Russian can't even build new tanks now -- HokieR 04/25/2022 11:21AM
  Yeah, I heard that too. ** -- HokieSignGuy 04/25/2022 11:07AM
  And yet the damage is immense and already done -- fordham 04/25/2022 10:22AM
  I would call in sick if i were a tank driver ** -- bigbadbird 04/25/2022 10:12AM
  Me too. ** -- HokieR 04/25/2022 10:14AM
  Sheer Genius! ** -- 98Hokie 04/25/2022 10:02AM

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