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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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About once or twice a year, I think, "The Simpsons are STILL on TV?

(In response to this post by OXVT)

Posted: 04/20/2022 at 11:02AM


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Current Thread:
  1997, "The Principal and the Pauper" -- GoobyPls 04/20/2022 11:00AM
  When did wokeness start? 2010 - 2014? ** -- VT Pez4Life 04/20/2022 10:25AM
  Ha - solid point ... -- OXVT 04/20/2022 10:27AM
  I blame Family Guy. Edgier humor neutered the Simpsons. ** -- Guy LeDouche 04/20/2022 10:20AM
  Family guy is way better anyway** -- VT Pez4Life 04/20/2022 10:24AM
  Yeah that's what I assume ... -- OXVT 04/20/2022 10:21AM
  When they apologized for the Apu character. ** -- RoswellGAHokie 04/20/2022 10:00AM

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