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Joined: 05/02/2001 Posts: 11158
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Don't ever drive on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (the one up north)

(In response to this post by HokieNerd)

Posted: 04/18/2022 at 11:44AM


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Current Thread:
Does anyone have anxiety driving in the mountains? -- HokieNerd 04/17/2022 10:09PM
  Only if I'm not behind the wheel -- Victor Tango 04/18/2022 11:22AM
  How do you schedule the bike shuttle? -- EDGEMAN 04/18/2022 11:33AM
  Here is one of many businesses -- Victor Tango 04/18/2022 5:10PM
  Thanks! ** -- EDGEMAN 04/18/2022 6:35PM
  Since no one else did…weenie! ** -- VaTaz 04/18/2022 10:30AM
  Nope never bothered me while driving -- EDGEMAN 04/18/2022 09:57AM
  "worm" ** -- `lag 04/18/2022 10:14PM
  State rt 40 in Floyd county comes to mind ** -- HokieDan95 04/18/2022 09:52AM
  I think you mean Rt. 8 -- EDGEMAN 04/18/2022 10:02AM
  Sounds like heaven! ** -- EDGEMAN 04/18/2022 10:37AM
  That is a great road ** -- `lag 04/18/2022 10:04AM
  Probably not as much as I should -- HokieMacDaddy 04/18/2022 09:21AM
  Million Dollar Highway, Holy Carp -- `lag 04/18/2022 09:41AM
  No- but the bridges of Charleston- YES ** -- bigbadbird 04/18/2022 09:10AM
  Bridges can be tough for me. ** -- reestuart 04/18/2022 09:05AM
  ↑ this....esp with steep drop-offs ** -- statmanfromHCyrs 04/18/2022 09:41AM
  More so on roads overseas. ** -- Va AandM 04/18/2022 08:36AM
  Amalfi Coast is a great example -- VT Pops 04/18/2022 10:31AM
  Very much so -- Happy Dog 04/18/2022 04:58AM
  When i can see the dropoff just past the guardrail** -- HokieDan95 04/18/2022 12:06AM
  ascent and descent FYI ** -- BG Hokie 04/17/2022 11:19PM
  Thanks, Webster :) ** -- HokieNerd 04/17/2022 11:21PM
  Tad, Chesapeake bay bridge east bound ** -- FfxStationHokie 04/17/2022 10:38PM
  That’s so cute that you think that is fast -- Nova Hokie 95 04/17/2022 11:53PM
  ROK from outta nowhere! -- MP4VT2004 04/18/2022 10:12AM

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