Video interview: Dadi Nicolas

For the first time in his Virginia Tech career, Dadi Nicolas met with the media on Tuesday.

19 Responses You are logged in as Test

  1. I also enjoyed the interview. I believe he is very honest and sincere, and I love his “spunk”. I would be nervous too !

  2. Someone needs to coach these kids on how to better present themselves to the media when they’re in front of a camera. The constant squirming and rubbing the hands over the face was a bit painful to watch.

      1. You know, Dadi’s probably going to watch this. Do you really want him to read that comment?

        1. I agree with you 100% Will. I would had been scared poopless if it had been my first interview!

    1. He got coaching. But this was his first interview ever. It’s just not something he’s comfortable with.

      1. Video interview not such a good thing in this instance :). Seems like a good kid and love watching him play. But if it were up to me I’d keep him away from the cameras until he can carry himself a little more like LT.

    2. Really? You must be easily distracted. His comments were very interesting. Apparently you missed them.

  3. haha, hands down my favorite kid on the team. I would really like to hear more about his story growing up. I’ve heard bits and pieces, but maybe once he graduates someone will take the time to do a full piece.

  4. Wow, that cellphone looks like a postage stamp in his hand.
    Seems like a good guy, I’m sure he was pretty nervous being surrounded by those reporters.

    Chris – how many people are usually there for the interviews?

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