The Commonwealth Cup: 13 Scoring Plays from 13 Straight

Here’s some fun stuff from TSL infographics guru OXVT on Twitter. OX likes to celebrate Virginia Tech’s Commonwealth Cup domination over Virginia, and in anticipation of the Hokies celebrating day 4,500 of possession of the Commonwealth Cup on Friday, OX has produced a short video of 13 scoring plays, one from each of Virginia Tech’s 13 straight victories in the trophy game.

It’s fun to relive these plays from past games. And seeing Bryan Randall, Marcus Vick, Eddie Royal and other guys from WAY back really brings home exactly how long the Hokies have been in control of this once-fierce rivalry.

Follow OXVT on Twitter here.

Without further ado, enjoy OX’s video and the great players in it:

9 Responses You are logged in as Test

  1. “Tech QB’s” still have time!

    Great pass rushing UVA, and BTW Long was NOT tackled…

  2. Thirteen straight is sweet, 17 of 18 nicer but 19 of 22 even better. Beating UVA never gets old. Never.

  3. Some kind of fun! And some kind of star power VT had during those early and middle years.

  4. Apparently, just get the ball to whoever is wearing #4 for VT and we will score against UVa…

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