Enrollment Delayed For Davi Belfort

Davi Belfort, Virginia Tech
Davi Belfort will have to wait to enroll at Virginia Tech. (@DaviBelfort)

Davi Belfort
Quarterback, Class of 2024
Gulliver Prep, Miami, FL
5-10, 185

There’s now another setback for Western (Fla.) quarterback Davi Belfort. But as he did with the first one this fall, he’s handling it as well as he can, and he’s determined to make the most of it.

Belfort had planned to be in Blacksburg last week and enrolled in classes at Virginia Tech for the spring semester. But he now needs to take a couple of classes to graduate high school and get to the Hokies. Meanwhile, Belfort is also getting himself back from a hairline fracture he suffered in October.

Belfort said he’ll now get to Blacksburg in May to enroll in summer classes and participate in summer workouts.

Alumnni Hall