Friday Q&A: July 24, 2009

Will Stewart is back this week for the second and final Q&A about the
business side of TSL. The discusses the demographics of site users, talks
about our subscriber numbers and gives a list of our highest rated articles of
all-time. To read last week’s Q&A, see the link at the bottom of this article.

Next week we’ll resume our normal Q&A sessions on Virginia Tech
sports. If you have a question you’d like to ask, email it to [email protected].

1) Long time reader and this is my first Q&A. I am very curious about the
size of the TSL community. What is the data on how many unique members there
are? How many pay for the subscriber content? How has the membership increased
over the years and when, historically, have you seen the biggest spikes/drops in
membership? Thanks.

Will Stewart: Hmmm, how to tap-dance around this one … I’m not
comfortable giving out numbers of subscribers, because then people will do the
math (multiply it by the $50 subscription price) and think we’re rolling in
dough. As you can tell from last week’s discussion, we’re not.
