Tech Sideline Offers Free Student Subscriptions!

free student subscription

Virginia Tech students: Get a free subscription to Tech Sideline until you graduate!

How to Get Your Free Student Subscription to Tech Sideline

It’s really simple:

1.) Sign up for a one-year free student subscription, using your email address.

2.) We’ll contact you to verify your student status and ask for your projected graduation date.

3.) We’ll then extend your free student subscription out to your projected graduation date.

4.) Upon your graduation (and the expiration of your free student subscription), we’ll contact you and offer you our discounted “Recent Graduate” subscription.

Click here to get started! Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

More About Tech Sideline

Tech Sideline is the premier independent publication covering Virginia Tech Athletics. We have been around since 1996, and we have a full-time staff of three writers who have been covering the Hokies for a combined 50 years. So not only do we do the best job of breaking down Tech sports in the present day, but we add the historical perspective that literally no one else can.

We cover football, basketball, recruiting and a host of other sports at Virginia Tech. We have the most listened-to (and watched) podcast covering the Hokies, as well as other great content spread across our website, YouTube channel, Twitter, and Instagram. However you like to consume your Virginia Tech sports news, we’re there!