Liberty Review: Perspective On The Loss

Virginia Tech
(Virginia Tech sports photography)

The Liberty game is a bad one, no doubt. I’m not going to pile on with video clips. You’ve already seen way too many plays where there’s a slow reaction, open gap, voided zone, bad tackle, and/or bad pursuit.

I’m not going to speculate about the likelihood of coaching changes, either. There are three camps—“He deserves a chance,” “We’re stuck with him so let’s make the most of it,” and “Fire him now/when the buyout dips to cut our losses”—and all three arguments have their logic, and all three have been presenting their cases much better than I could. My heart says “give ‘em a chance,” but if I try to be post-Kolinahr about it, it seems like the best answer is whichever one pleases the big money the most. Which isn’t a position so much as it is resignation.

Instead of all that, I’m going to (mostly) play Devil’s Advocate for the beleaguered Hokies. If that’s not your bag, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming next week.

Things Have Been Worse 

Trigger warning for some of you seasoned Hokies.
