State of the TechSideline Union 2018, Part 1: Where We Stand Now

Greetings, TSL subscribers. This is the first of a multi-part series of articles aimed at you, the TSL subscriber, that will bring you up to date on our business: the current levels of subscribers, traffic, and revenue; the challenges we face; where our industry is trending; and where we’re headed next.

I chose not to make these articles free for a couple of reasons. Number one, though we do have a lot of non-subscriber traffic, over the years we have become a site and a business that is increasingly carried and supported by you, the subscriber. Number two, I want to share some information with you that I don’t want to be wide open, where it can be crawled and shared by Google, read by our competitors, and repeated and discussed by people who don’t necessarily have our best interests in mind.

This State of the TSL Union series of articles will be broken up into four parts, which may or may not equal four articles.
