Hokie “Fantasy Football” Draft, Rounds 1-10

Inspired by the fantasy football model of drafting a team of players from all
over the NFL, we decided to conduct our own Virginia Tech fantasy football
draft, selecting players from the Beamer Bowl Era. We’re stockpiling our teams
with classic Hokie talent, and we’re even checking in with the ESPN College
Gameday crew to get their thoughts.

Usually, when you’re drafting fantasy players, you take your draft choices
and compete against other teams based on the statistics your players compile in
a given week’s games. Of course, we won’t be competing using statistics, so
consider the teams we’re about to draft as “fantasy teams” of a
different sort. Namely, the VT team you might assemble in your fantasies. (No
comments from the peanut gallery about fantasies, please.)

Our drafters are Will Stewart and Chris Coleman. Each drafter will select one
team. The format is just like a regular draft, with one twist: we have to pick a
set number of players at each position: one QB, two tailbacks, five OL, etc.
This changes the strategy from that of a regular draft, because it limits the
number of players a guy can steal from you at each position.

Here are the number of players to be selected at each position:
