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With recent offers from Colorado and South Carolina in the fold, Deep Run (Glen Allen, VA) star defensive back/wide receiver Antone Exum heads into the summer time holding double-digit scholarship offers. The 6-0, 210-pound rising senior is currently focused on finishing out the school year and continuing his play on the AAU basketball circuit, but recruiting could come to forefront very soon.
“He is anxious for the school year to be over with, so he can sit and talk with his parents about the decision,” Deep Run head coach Greg Kendall said. “He doesn’t have a bad decision to make with all of the schools that have offered, but I think he wants to make the most of the opportunity.”
At this point, Kendall says, Exum “has not even tried to narrow down the list” of college options. In addition to Colorado and South Carolina, Duke, Maryland, Penn State, Richmond, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech and West Virginia have offered Exum, who likely will play defensive back or wide receiver on the next level.
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