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Joined: 12/13/1999 Posts: 24433
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Yeah, I haven't eaten anything from inland fishing since I was a kid.

I'll eat something caught on an off-shore charter, though.

(In response to this post by VaTechHokiesACC)

Posted: 04/14/2022 at 4:14PM


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Current Thread:
  I had no idea. Gosh, hate to hear this. ** -- Riverguy 04/15/2022 08:09AM
  We eat striper, white perch, crappie and an occasional -- HokieObsession 04/14/2022 11:01PM
  The striper is sort of awesome ** -- HOKIE1 04/14/2022 12:41PM
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  Yes sir ** -- VaTechHokiesACC 04/15/2022 02:01AM
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  Yes ** -- TomTurkey 04/15/2022 07:21AM
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  Not really, MSG has a much better taste ! ** -- FLKEYSHOKIE 04/13/2022 9:04PM

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