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Joined: 10/13/1999 Posts: 74963
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Awww…look at Mr. Sensitive.

(In response to this post by MP4VT2004)

Posted: 09/26/2021 at 10:48PM


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Current Thread:
  State Fair of VA is on... ** -- Riverguy 09/27/2021 1:06PM
  or a Great Wolf Lodge. ** -- vt90 09/27/2021 09:54AM
  The one in Harrisonburg is much like that. ** -- reestuart 09/27/2021 08:49AM
  Shun!! ** -- statmanfromHCyrs 09/27/2021 07:45AM
  Rome, GA wasn't built in a day ya know.... ** -- EDGEMAN 09/26/2021 11:31PM
  Or just any Wal-Mart anywhere. ** -- vthokieq 09/26/2021 10:39PM
  Awww…look at Mr. Sensitive. ** -- vthokieq 09/26/2021 10:48PM
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