There's a lot of evidence building that the vaccines especially Pfizer
aren't working as well against the Delta variant and/or losing efficacy. One of the reasons you have both Moderna and Pfizer pushing hard for booster shots. Israel, Iceland & UK data has been showing this for a few weeks and, while there aren't many US states reporting breakthrough cases in a easy to digest way, you can also see it in Utah and in some of the counties that have released data.
The Mayo Clinic released a pre-print paper I think yesterday and they found:
"But what has caused concern is the data from July, when the Delta variant became the dominant strain in the US and accounted for more than 70% of cases in Minnesota. During that month in Minnesota, Pfizer's effectiveness against COVID-19 infection dropped to 42%, while Moderna's dropped less dramatically to 76%."
Also, this article in Israel is causing concern since the country is highly vaccinated and seeing a rise in serious cases both from the vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
Link: [Post edited by RUHokie at 08/12/2021 3:09PM]
In response to this post by vthokieq)
Link: Vaccines are not preventing infection as well with Delta/Time
Posted: 08/12/2021 at 3:07PM