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Joined: 07/23/2017 Posts: 2136
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I think A and M belonged over Notre Dame and here is why

It's as if ESPN has selective memory. The talk was the "glory," "how incredible," the win over Clemson was in game one when Clemson did not have their likely Heisman Winner in Lawrence, and 5 starters out on defense. Great win? Not really. It showed in game two when Clemson wasn't playing with a hand behind their back. But, the only story was, "great win by ND." Any reasonable person knows that Clemson team wasn't healthy by any stretch in game one. ND did NOT beat Clemson anywhere close to full strength.

A and M had 7 starters out against Bama due to Covid and 3 of those on the OL and 2 on the DL, which is the strongpoint of their program. Again, ESPN just chose not to talk about it and acted if it never happened.

I think it's no question ND and A and M belonged in over OSU who had 6 games, and 4 of the 6 teams without a winning record. The two "powerhouses" they beat were Northwestern and Indiana Also, ND beat UNC who was overranked in a very weak ACC conference. UNC was good, but nothing special.

We eliminated the computer rankings as part of the process to allow for the "eyeball" test as one of the factors. Humans replacing computers. With that said, we can't say that it "doesn't matter that CU had a bunch of starters out against ND, or that it doesn't matter that A and M had a bunch of starters out against BAMA due to Covid." It actually did and does matter and the eyeball test is supposed to account for this. Well, they didn't. This is where the bias came in. It's why we got rid of the computers. The computers were actually getting it right and took out the bias. OSU is not even up for discussion. Had no business at all. The worst and most bias final college football poll I have ever seen in my lifetime with OSU getting in the top 4. The two schools they beat with winning records, NW was very close and Indiana was close, only a TD difference. OSU didn't even pass the eyeball test. Just complete fraud.

[Post edited by OakIslandNCHokie at 12/23/2020 11:54AM]

(In response to this post by jdkhokie)

Posted: 12/23/2020 at 11:49AM


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