Early Returns Strong on Virginia Tech’s New Strength and Conditioning Program


Ben Hilgart
Ben Hilgart

The Virginia Tech football team has finished their summer workouts, and they are set to begin practice next Thursday.  Heights and weights have been updated on HokieSports, and there are some major changes.

Anybody who has read TSL over the last year or so knows that I haven’t been pleased with the performance of Tech’s strength and conditioning department.  There were too many players in the program who had weight issues.  Some guys were overweight, some guys were underweight, and often it would take years to get it corrected.  Or in some cases, it was never corrected at all.

The best example I can think of is Dadi Nicolas, who played at 219 pounds in last year’s Independence Bowl.  Just a couple of months later he was 235.  He could never put on weight at Virginia Tech, but boy did he take off as soon as he left Blacksburg.  Deon Clarke also struggled with weight, Joel Caleb lost 30 pounds, etc.  Others, such as Marshawn Williams, struggled to keep the weight off.
